How can I request a refund?
We understand tax filing is not much fun, and because of this we try very hard to provide our customers with an exceptional tax preparation product. With that said, if for some reason you are unsatisfied with our product and would like to request a refund, you may proceed with doing so by submitting a request for refund through our online ticket and support system (instructions below).
Please note, we charge for use of our tax preparation software and only the software. We do not charge an additional fee if you choose to electronically submit your tax return (although submitting electronically is not a requirement you can also print and mail your return after completing it). Because we are only an entity offering preparation software and not part of the federal government we cannot guarantee electronically transmitted returns will result in an accepted filing, however, if the IRS rejects your filing for any reason, we will notify you of this and give you an opportunity to correct any issues free of charge so that you can re-transmit them prior to the filing deadline.
Now, if you would like to request a refund you can do this by logging into your account and submitting a refund support request. Here are the instructions for how to do this:
Start by logging into your account - here. Once you've logged in, click the "Help" link in the top right corner of the navigation. From the help window, type something brief like "refund my purchase", when this loads with common help answers scroll to the bottom of the list and click "Still need help? Click here to contact us?". Describe the problem you had and/or why you would like to request a refund in the form and click "Send".
Submitting a ticket from within your account is the fastest way for our specialists to credit back your original payment method.
Note, we will not issue a refund if the IRS rejects your return and requires that you correct and retransmit it. As stated earlier, we cannot guarantee that the IRS will accept a return, nor can we force them to accept a return (no software provider can). When a return is rejected on the taxpayer has the option to correct the return and retransmit it (free of charge) or print and mail it.