File Missouri Taxes & Get Your Tax Refund Faster

Anyone who is considered a resident, a partial-year resident or a nonresident earning money in Missouri must file a MS tax return. Nonresidents must include any income from other states on their returns as well. If a taxpayer dies before he or she is able to file their taxes, that individual's surviving spouse may file for the decedent.

The top income tax rate is 6%, which places it at number 19 on a list of the highest state individual income tax rates. The state's tax revenue per individual is close to $1,000 annually. This is close to the median range for all of the United States.

Department of Revenue "Online Services"

To track a Missouri tax refund status, visit the Department of Revenue's site. Click the "Online Services" tab at the top. Next, select the option on the right to check personal tax status. To check the status of a potentially lost form or an amended return, call 573-526-8299.

Requesting An Extension with Form MO-60

For those requesting an extension, the extension must be postmarked by April 15. October 15 is the deadline for filing an extension. To request an extension in Missouri, taxpayers must use Form MO-60. Instructions are available on the Department of Revenue's site.

Amended forms may be used by taxpayers who discover errors on previous returns after filing them can be mailed to the Department of Revenue at:
PO Box 3370
Jefferson City, MO 65105-3370

Quarterly Tax Payment Vouchers

Estimated tax payments must be made four times per year by the dates listed on the vouchers. Taxpayers who must make estimated tax payments should use Form MO-1040ES vouchers and mail them with a check or money order to the Department of Revenue at:
PO Box 555
Jefferson City, MO 65105-0555

Total Charges and Nonpayment Penalties

If Missouri tax returns or tax extensions are not filed by April 15, taxpayers who owe money will be charged a rate of 5% of the amount for each month it remains unpaid. The total charges cannot exceed 25% of the amount due. Payment plans may be set up ahead of time on the Department of Revenue's site but will still accrue interest.

Note: States & U.S. territories may make changes to their tax laws with little notice. We do our best to keep this information up-to-date, but it is provided on an "AS IS" basis. For more see our terms.