Are all state filing laws the same as federal laws? How do I find out the laws in my state?

Taxpayers and overseas work

There are 43 states that collect some type of income tax.  The residents of the following seven states including Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming only pay federal tax. Additionally, the states of Tennessee and New Hampshire only place taxes on interest and dividend income. Of the 43 states that do collect income tax, seven use a flat rate formula, which means that all residents pay the same rate on their income, no matter their Adjusted Gross Income. The remaining states opt for a progressive tax formula similar to the Federal government where those with higher incomes pay a higher rate.

If you live in one of the 43 states that collect state tax it’s important to become familiar with who your state taxing authority is. In many cases it’s the “Department of Revenue” for that state. Whatever your state’s taxing authority is named – this is who will specify where taxpayers will send their return, when they must file, how they can file, and other important filing information. In some cases the state may mirror federal laws, in other cases they may differ. 

For example, most states that require a tax return will mimic the federal deadline to file, April 15th, and also the deadline after an extension has been filed, October 15th, however, there area few states that use different due dates like Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa and Louisiana, so it is very important that you check with your state. In Hawaii, for instance, the filing deadline for state income taxes is April 20th, and they do not accept Federal extension forms as some states do. More information can be found on the State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation website.

The way to find out more about the tax rules and laws in your state is to visit the state website and search for “individual income tax.” In most cases, the state website can help you determine the specifics of your state tax. Usually, the state’s website will be updated annually to provide new information, changes to laws and up-to-date forms. lists information on to how locate most state tax authority websites (excluding the seven that do not collect state income taxes) and in most cases,contact information for the state. To view information on your state, please visit the following page and click the link associated with your state. From here you will be directed to the state specific page where you can find more information