Frequently Asked Tax Questions During Tax Season

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about the tax questions we most frequently receive from customers? These are some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive. Should you need any assistance with other questions you have, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Is an e-filed return safe?

 Yes, e-filing is considered by many a safer practice than mailing a return. Our website uses Extended Validation 256 bit encryption technology, an industry benchmark, to ensure safe and secure filing.

Similar questions:

  Is it faster to e-file taxes?
Is it free to e-file?
How do you electronically file a tax extension?
Is it safe to use
What is electronic tax filing?
Do you have to mail anything after e-filing?
How long does it take to get your tax refund if you file electronically?

Do I need to file a tax return?

 Basically, individuals who have collected wages over $14,600 (or self-employed income over $400) likely will need to file a 2024 return. But in terms of age, there are special considerations for children younger than 14 and for those over the age 65 at the end of a tax year. This allows them to earn more income than other taxpayers before they have to file. For more please visit our article on tax filing requirements here.

Similar questions:

  How much do you need to itemize on your taxes?
When must forms W-2 and W-3 be filed?
When should I have my W-2 by law?
What are the filing deadlines for tax returns?
How much do you have to make before you have to file taxes?

I don't have an SSN?

SSN Card
 Typically, a social security number (SSN) is used as the primary means of identification on your return. However, if you do not have a SSN, you can find additional information on obtaining a tax payer ID number here.

Similar questions:

  How do I file when a taxpayer is deceased?
My employer doesn't have an Employer Identification Number (EIN), do I report these wages?
How can I find my prior year AGI?
What do you do if a tax return is filed without your permission?
What do I do if my spouse files a joint return without my approval?

Do you offer online tax preparation for business tax returns?

 No. Sorry, at this time we do not offer business tax software.

Can I calculate my return before buying?

 Yes. We do not charge customers until their return is fully prepared and ready to electronically transmit or print and mail.

Similar questions:

  How much does it cost to file a tax return electronically?
How much of social security income is taxable?
How much money do you have to donate to get a tax deduction?
What are my options for paying a balance due to the IRS?
What can be included in itemized deductions?

How long does it take to receive my refund?

 You can receive your fastest tax refund by electronically transmitting your return with a service like and selecting to receive your refund via direct deposit. The IRS states officially that it "issues most refunds in less than 21 days, although some require additional time."

Similar questions:

  How long does it take for your taxes to be direct deposited?
How long does it take for a tax return to be accepted and refund processed?
I have not yet received my tax refund?
What is the fastest way to get a tax refund?
How soon do you get your tax refund after filing?
Where is my state income tax refund?
Can I update my bank account or direct deposit information?

Is it ok to round amounts on my return?

 Rounding is considered an acceptable practice by the IRS. However, there are certain stipulations. When working through your return and its schedules, customers are permitted to round cents off to dollars. If you decide to do so, you must round all amounts and not just select ones. Rounding should be performed only with total figures and not each entry.

It is recommended to use fifty cents as your midway point. If the fractional dollar amount is less than $0.50, they can drop the amount off. If the amount is from $0.50 to $0.99, they should round up to the next dollar. For example: $1.39 would become $1.00 and $2.50 would become $3.00. Instead of rounding during figuring multiple numbers together, you can factor out totals and then round on the total.

Can I file my taxes for prior years?

 It takes a great deal of work to keep our software up-to-date on all the tax law changes from year-to-year. Since our software must change to match these tax law changes, we do not provide software for prior tax years. There are a few services that provide this but at this time we do not.

Similar questions:

  Is it against the law not to file a tax return?
What happens if you forget to file your taxes?
Do you have to send your W-2 with your tax return?
Can you go to jail for not filing a tax return?
What do I do if I'm audited?
What are the penalties if I file my taxes late?
Can the IRS take all the money in your bank account?
What do I do if I find a mistake after filing?

Can I access a copy of my return after it's filed?

 Yes, once you have filed your return with us, you may access a copy of it by logging back in to our site and clicking on the "Your Return" link. From here you will be able to download a PDF copy of your return free of charge.

I filled already but received an email saying my return is not complete.

 Occasionally notification emails can be delayed or overlap. If you have received confirmation from us that your filing was successful either by email or within your account, then you can ignore the email prompting you to complete your return.

Similar questions:

  Why was my tax return rejected?
What do I do if my tax return is rejected because my SSN has already been used?
How long do you have to fix an e-file rejection?

What are the different 1040 forms and which do I use?

 In 2019 the IRS consolidated the 1040ez, 1040A and full 1040 tax form, you can read more on this here.

Similar questions:

  What to know your first time filing taxes?
What is the standard deduction?
What qualifies as an itemized deduction?

What's your telephone number?

 We try very hard to keep our software costs as low as possible meanwhile providing 24x7 support with some of the fastest response times in the industry. To help us accomplish this we use an online support and ticketing system in lieu of telephone support. While we understand this may inconvenience some customers it allows us to keep our costs low and commitment to helping all users as quickly as possible.

Additional frequently asked questions and answers:

  How does a tax credit affect my tax return?
What filing status should I choose if I'm in the middle of a divorce?
What is the income limit to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)?
What job-related expenses are tax deductible?
What can you write off on your taxes?
Is there a limit (maximum) on itemized deductions?
What kind of expenses are tax deductible?
Why do I have to show proof of health insurance when filing my taxes?
Why do I need an IP PIN?
How much money does a child save you on your taxes?
Will the IRS file a return for me if I don't file?
Am I eligible for the ACA Premium Tax Credit?
What filing status should we choose when one spouse makes significantly more?
Why is a tax credit more valuable than a tax deduction?
How can I find out if my child has been claimed on an ex's taxes?
What are my tax liabilities on investment income?
Do I qualify as head of household?
What percentage of your property taxes are deductible?
What is an example of a tax credit?
Can I write off food or groceries on my taxes?
What if a dependent doesn't qualify for the Child Tax Credit?
What's the difference between the face and cash value of a life insurance policy?
Does my small business file by calendar year or fiscal tax year?
What's needed to file electronically?
I don't have a copy of my tax return, how do I find my AGI?

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